Friday, August 21, 2020


ADITL As promised, a detailed recount of Bryans Wednesday. 7:45 AM: Alarm begins to buzz. Play hide and go seek with my alarm clock for twenty minutes. I need one of these. 8:05 8:17 AM: Shower. 8:18 8:27 AM: Respond to emails and decide whether or not flip flops are appropriate given the weather. I actually wear flip flops until the first snow, so yes. 8:28 8:40 AM: Breakfast made to order, the wonders of having your own chef. My breakfast. My best friend telling me Im crazy because Im taking a photo of my food. 8:55 AM Arrive in lab, unload my stuff at desk. I have a *great* view from my window in lab. Until 9:57 AM: Finite element modelling of a new version of the device Im working on in lab. 10:05 10:55 AM: Spanish 4 10:57 AM 11:22 AM: Trek down the Infinite Corridor. Stop 1: Take a picture with Tammy the Beaver for Fierce Forever. Stop 2: Stop by the Balfour booth to get my ring resized. All the running this summer dropped my ring size by three halves. Stop 3: Dunkin Donuts in the Student Center for a glazed stick. 11:25 12:54 PM: Party in lab where by party I mean more finite element models. 1:00 2:34 PM: 20.430 lecture where Professor Grodzinsky introduced electroquasistatics and Laplaces equations. 2:45 3:30 PM: Chilling on the 2nd floor of the student center while doing some simulations for lab. 3:30 3:57 PM: Bertuccis Pizza with my advising group 4:00 5:00 PM: Visit to the Towing Tank where they are developing an underwater vehicle inspired by turtles. They also developed the RoboTuna in this lab. 5:00 5:45 PM: Wait to go home. 6:00 6:25 PM: Dinner. 6:25 8:27 PM: Homework and reading. 8:27 8:42 PM: Run to Shaws to buy sorbet On a side note, I am very excited to add this to my ice cream portfolio. 8:42 9:12 PM: Read through personal statement for graduate school and take down away message. 9:14 11:14 PM: TV Watching with Mitra and Sam for the first third. TV watching with Sam while Mitra sleeps for the last two thirds. 11:20 1:12 AM: Reading for classes, catching up with friends from high school, commence sleep. ADITL Yesterday I carried my camera around all day and took awkward pictures of my friends. (Hi, Sam.) What made this different from all the other days when I carry my camera around all day and take awkward pictures of my friends and everything around me is that hundreds of other people on campus were doing the same thing with the same purpose: to take part in A Day In The Life, a project open to the entire MIT community sponsored by Technique, MITs yearbook and photography club. Students, faculty, and staff alike have been uploading their photos to the website, which Technique describes as a collective photo blog and which allows you to view timelines of multiple peoples photos at once. Over 120 people have collectively uploaded thousands of pictures of their days so far, and its really interesting to see not just what people do over the course of a typical day, but also how they choose to frame that. The project made me notice the things around me all the time that I never really stopped to look at. Like eating lunch in Stata, where seats fill up around noon and everyone moves quickly all the time. Or the pattern of the splatter paint on the walls of my room, which I stopped noticing about two weeks after I did it. It also gave me the opportunity to take a million pictures of the disastrous construction zone all the way down Amherst Street to the corner of Ames and Amherst (also known as WHERE I LIVE. RAWR.), because my parents do not believe me when I tell them how ridiculous it looks. The stairs to Senior House were cordoned off for over a month. Everyone was using the handicapped ramp. Delivery guys and taxi drivers keep trying to turn the wrong way down what was once a two-way street and not understanding why pedestrians and the drivers of oncoming cars keep giving them the finger. Anyway, Check out ADITL. Its made of awesome.

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